Coccioterm MGN


An ancient Roman recipe from 500 B.C. with improved thermal performance

Great insulator, sound-absorber and excellent humidity regulator for cellars, bathrooms and similarly humid environments

This thermal insulating plaster based on lime, natural perlite (fluffy volcanic material) and traditional cocciopesto (brick powder and clay shards)

  • improves the thermal performance of your building, keeping the walls warm and dry
  • this outstanding thermal insulation is an energy and money saver, when it comes to heating costs
  • Due to its breathability/porosity  prevents from mould and fungi
Basement insulation

Ancient Roman underfloor heating system: Hypocaust

Oxfordshire, UK

Why replace something perfect with new?

We vote for Coccioterm against modern plasters

It is based on the ancient concept that the porosity of the lime and crushed terracotta give the product high vapour permeability and an exceptional ability to regulate the humidity of the masonry.


Milled terracotta or brick (in Italian: cocciopesto) was the solution for acquiring dryer and warmer buildings, in the antique times.


Earthenware plasters had been used extensively in Roman heating plants due to their ability to accumulate heat and absorb the moisture from hot flue gases.


Cocciopesto plasters have been in use since about 500 BC, traditionally made of pure slaked lime mixed with crushed tile or brick powder.


Initially a Phoenician plaster was adopted by the Romans, proven extraordinary success in the construction of aqueducts, Roman Baths, roads and underfloor areas.


They can be found in many archaeological areas and historic buildings all over Europe as the Romans “exported” and used cocciopesto plasters throughout the former Roman Empire. 



  • Hydrated lime, with more than 90% calcium hydroxide (CL90S as per EN459-1 standard)
  • NHL3.5 natural hydraulic lime
  • Natural hydraulic lime, desalinated white
  • Brick powder / crushed bricks (cooked at low temperature, 0-3 mm)
  • Natural perlite
  • Natural additives to improve workability

Colour: brick

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You can simply place your order using the form below or get in touch. 


Whether over the phone or in email correspondence, the first consultation with our surveyors is free of charge, no obligation. 

Professional Building Survey is available as well all over UK, typically for £390+VAT, with a little surcharge if the property is at a very secluded place.


Interested? Please feel free to reach out we are here for you

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