Risanamur B-80 Evolution MGN

Risanamur 80

Dehumidifying lime plastering system

Ancient Roman formula adapted for restoring damp and salty buildings on the World Heritage site of Venice, in the 80’s

Typical applications: rising damp, basements, cellars and marine environments

This is the second coat of our famous dehumidifying system.

Risanamur B-80 is a dehumidifying system composed of two products: RINZAFFO MGN + RISANAMUR B80 capable of resisting salts of all types (ground, sea, chimney) while being gentle to the masonry.


The system is used to dehumidify damp masonry in the presence of capillary rising damp, even of high intensity, strong salt concentrations, marine environments, sideways penetrating moisture in cellars, basements, etc.

palazzo camerlenghi

How it works?

The enormous evaporation surface consists of plenty, free macro-pores. Thus this coat is disposing of water vapours completely – filtered by the underlying Rinzaffo scratch coat -, keeping the surface of the plaster dry.


For optimal, long-term performance apply at least 15 mm, with a lime finish on top.


  • BREATHABLE: Exceptional performance in extracting and evaporating moisture from the masonry
  • VERY LONG LASTING: Unparalleled performance and life span, even in the most extreme conditions and most aggressive environments. Its proven durability and longevity comes from an adapted, original Roman formula.
  • GUARANTEED PERFORMANCE: With a unique dual anti-salt barrier and consolidating function, certified to the UNI EN998-2 standard.
  • PROVEN: Used on 1000+ construction sites of extreme humidity and salt aggression, in the Venetian lagoon.
Dehumidifying system



  • Hydrated lime, with more than 90% calcium hydroxide (CL90S as per EN459-1 standard)
  • NHL3.5 Natural hydraulic lime, desalinated white
  • Marble powder
  • Pozzolans
  • Natural washed river sand, free of salts and impurities
  • Natural additives

Technical sheet


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Professional Building Survey is available as well all over UK, typically for £390+VAT, with a little surcharge if the property is at a very secluded place.


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