Termointonaco 2020 MGN

A high-performance insulating lime plaster of the AeroGel insulation family
This product has mineral based ingredients only, which makes it one of the least sensitive, high-performance insulating lime plasters on the market. It is suitable for insulating almost anything in any type of old building.
Typical applications: A versatile material, suitable for insulating old buildings externally or internally.
Can be used as:
– A breathable external wall insulation
– Internal insulating plaster
– Floor insulation (also as part of underfloor heating systems, or limecrete floors)
– Lightweight ceiling plaster and insulation
Also suitable for:
– Insulating cold bridges
– Insulating basement and cellar walls
– Solving mould and condensation
– Soundproofing
– Fireproofing
Why is Termointonaco 2020 so easy to work with?
It’s a nanotechnology thermal plaster, utilising the high insulation value of amorphous micro silica aggregates – from the aerogel insulation family.
When perfecting the recipe, extra care was taken to create a plaster that can be easily ruled off and sticks well – a gift when using an insulating plaster. As a result, this product won’t fall back onto your builder’s neck and head even if applied to the ceiling.

If applied on cementitious surfaces or on significantly damp and salty walls (e.g. rising damp, sideways water penetration, water ingress, sea salts etc.), the Rinzaffo MGN base coat MUST be applied first before applying the thermal coat.
- Hydrated lime, with more than 90% calcium hydroxide (UNI EN 459-1)
- NHL3.5 Natural hydraulic lime (UNI EN 459-1)
- Lightened amorphous micro-silica
- Natural plasticisers for better workability
Technical Sheet
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