
Thermal Insulation

Super insulate Your Way to a Cosy Home – The Future of Thermal Insulation!

If you’re familiar with the challenges of single skin brick walls and the biting cold they bring into your lovely homes, I’ve got some good news for you.


Today, we’re going to talk about a revolutionary, multi award winning solution that can transform your chilly abode into a warm and cosy home without too much hassle.

The Cold Wall Problem

Single skin brick walls can be beautiful but notoriously cold, leaving you shivering during the winter months.


In many cases part of the issue lies in the unforgiving cement plaster on the inside, which only exacerbates the problem.


This cold environment can lead to unwanted consequences, including condensation and the dreaded mould formation – something no homeowner wants to deal with.

Now, let’s be clear, removing that rigid cement plaster can be a horrendous job, not to mention how messy it is.


Attempting to strip away cement plaster from a delicate masonry might even harm your building fabric. 


Experienced builders keep witnessing this situation turning the project into an instant regret.

A Bright Solution for a Warmer Home

However, there’s no need to despair. We have a different, simpler, and highly effective solution for your cold wall woes – the Aerogel Lime Plaster.


This award winner, a unique aerogel-lime mixture falls under the category of Super insulation, and it’s the key to turning the temperature around in your home.

Here’s the beauty of it: just a small increase in thickness can make a massive difference in terms of your wall’s surface temperature.


A warmer wall translates to no more condensation, and certainly no more mould. We’re talking about applying as little as 5-10 mm thickness.


Then, it’s a breeze to finish and smooth it out using a sponge float, or sand it down to a really smooth texture.

The Result

The best part? Your wall will look pretty much like any typical lime plastered wall, except it will be incredibly warm and provide excellent insulation. It’s like giving your home a snug, cosy sweater to wear during the cold months, all while retaining its original appearance.

In a nutshell, Super insulator Aerogel Lime Plaster is your answer to a warm and mould-free home without the headache of plaster removal, if the plaster is in a good condition: generally dry, isn’t damaged or cracked.


It’s a game-changer in the world of thermal insulation, and it’s here to make your life comfier.

Can Ancient Roman Floors Outshine Limecrete’s 21st Century Glow?

Reviving Roman Ingenuity for the 21st Century

Interview with Mick Gasz, MD of Core Conservation

Q: Why are you increasingly drawn to ancient Roman architecture in your heritage work?

Ancient Roman architecture stands as a testament to the brilliance of their time.

Romans only had lime mortars and they could build all the extreme structures, anything the nobles demanded, at the time. Not just for a few centuries, but their lime mortars preserved the stones, bricks to such an extent that 2000 years later many are still in very good condition.
I would like to promote the principles of Roman architecture: they could do everything with lime mortars, which would require cement and plastics in present days. Since lime has an excellent property: preserving the bricks and stones you embed in it for a very long time, I would very much like to see new buildings built with lime mortars again, and to achieve the quality that was achieved in Rome.

Q: Could you describe the similarities and differences between Ancient Roman Floors and modern lime floors?

Roman lime floors were very similar to the simplest limecrete floors of today: sub-base (rocks) and a chunky floor slab. So they have quite a lot in common.

Let’s watch how Roman Floors were made on video and then I’ll explain.

Exploring the Parallels: Ancient Roman Floors vs. Modern Limecrete Floors

Romans preferred round beach stones for the sub-base. It makes sense, because roundish rocks have the largest gaps between them among all the shapes, being the most efficient capillary breaking layer. This type of sub-base is very similar to the ones used in limecrete floors: clay or foam glass aggregates. Both were designed to prevent liquid moisture from penetrating through the sub-base.
Romans, not having natural hydraulic lime, reached the desired durability and compressive strength of the floor slab through mixing crushed volcanic rock (pozzolans) into the lime, which made lime harder and less crumbly, while still preserving its breathability. This is one of those elements of Roman lime technology which were almost completely lost through the middle ages and rediscovered from the Ten Books on Architecture (De Architectura – 2000 years old architectural writing), by Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, Roman Architect. 
On top of this slab they either laid clay tiles or mosaic tiles, or poured a thin layer of lime, which could be polished.
British limecrete floor companies use natural hydraulic lime for hardness and compressive strength, which was discovered in the 18th century only, but it works just as good as the Roman mix.

Bringing Warmth to the Modern Home: Integrating Roman Wisdom

Q: Our expectations towards a 21st century home are high. Could the knowledge from Roman underfloor heating be functional today?

Indeed, the principles of Roman underfloor heating can be harnessed in contemporary homes. The Roman method involved circulating warm air beneath the floor, which differs from our modern underfloor heating pipes. However, the materials used by Romans to retain warmth can be translated into our context.

The way they achieved it was through terracotta and heat storage brick floor structures. In simple terms, the floor kept radiating heat for hours and hours, even after the fire was put off.


The modern demand for warm, energy-efficient floors is well within reach through limecrete solutions.


By utilizing a heat storage floor screed comprising lime and heat storage bricks, we can create floors that radiate warmth and retain it for extended periods.

Conclusion: Embracing the Legacy of Roman Ingenuity

As we traverse the annals of time, the brilliance of ancient Roman architecture finds its place in the modern world. Lime, a material treasured by the Romans, holds the key to building floors that stand the test of both time and technology. With Roman principles in mind, we can achieve floors that exude warmth, energy efficiency, and a touch of timeless grandeur, all while paying homage to the architectural genius that continues to inspire us today.

Would you like to know more?

Victorian Building, Basement Conversion

The Lime Tanking Breakthrough That Will Make Your Victorian Basement the Talk of the Town

Unleashing the Power of Lime: An 1875's Victorian Basement Conversion in Brixton, London

Picture an old Victorian basement in the vibrant streets of Brixton, London, left neglected and damp. This a story of hope and inspiration. Together, we shall explore the remarkable success of a basement conversion, achieved with lime-based materials only. Join me as we uncover the secret lime solution that made this transformation possible.

Unveiling the Secrets of Lime:

In Ancient Rome, near the town of Pozzuoli, at the mighty volcano Vesuvius, locals discovered something extraordinary. They noticed that mixing volcanic soils and rock fragments into lime resulted in a mix that set quicker and lasted longer on their buildings. It was an innovation that captured the attention of Marcus Vitruvius Polio, the renowned Roman architect and engineer of the 1st century BC.

Vitruvius Polio's Lime Revelation:

Vitruvius was not one to rest on his laurels. He experimented tirelessly, seeking the perfect balance between the durability of his lime mix and its gentleness to the building fabric. Through his efforts, he created a lime mixture that was not only water- and salt-resistant but also breathable and porous, ensuring the longevity of his structures. He built colossal edifices that stood strong, promising endurance for eternity.

The Brixton Basement Conversion Project:

Inspired by the spirit of Vitruvius, the team of Core Conservation and the visionary homeowner embarked on an ambitious journey. The mission: to restore a 1875’s converted Victorian basement into a watertight and well-insulated living accommodation while preserving its historical essence. Relying on the age-old wisdom of lime, the homeowner chose a lime-only approach for the transformation.

Roman Breathable and Waterproof Base Coat: Rinzaffo MGN:

At the foundation of this remarkable conversion lay Rinzaffo MGN, an original Roman recipe straight from the works of Marcus Vitruvius Polio. This extraordinary product combines breathability with waterproofing properties, ensuring that no moisture infiltrates the renovated space. With Rinzaffo MGN as the backbone, the basement became impervious to the relentless forces of water, sealing it from the elements.

Insulating Lime Plaster: Termointonaco 2020 MGN:

To create a living space that was not only watertight but also cozy and energy-efficient, Val from Core Conservation suggested the homeowner to turn to Termointonaco 2020 MGN. This insulating lime plaster provided the perfect finishing touch. Its thermal properties offered superior insulation, keeping the space warm during the winter months. Moreover, adding a textured finish paid homage to the Victorian era, preserving the historical character of the basement.

A Resounding Success:

What was once a neglected and damp space now stood as a testament to the transformative power of lime. The basement became a welcoming and comfortable living accommodation, free from the clutches of dampness and inefficiency.


The story of this Brixton basement conversion teaches us valuable lessons. It reminds us of the timeless wisdom of the Romans, who understood the power of lime and its ability to withstand the tests of time. With Rinzaffo MGN and Termointonaco 2020 MGN as our allies, we can embark on our own transformational journeys.


If you find yourself dreaming of a basement conversion, remember the lime revolution. Consult with professionals experienced in the application of lime-based materials, and unleash the power of lime in your own home. Let us build spaces that embody strength, endurance, and comfort—a testament to our shared heritage and innovation.


Together, we can breathe new life into forgotten spaces, creating havens of warmth, beauty, and efficiency. Embrace the lime solution, and let it be a catalyst for change in your basement conversion. The power is in your hands. Let us seize it and make our homes a true reflection of who we are.

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